Tuesday, February 17, 2009

quarter life

did you watch that very short lived webcast style NBC show? i never did. i wish now that i had because i feel i am in its throes, and i'd like to know how real people or even writers handle this sort of thing. i hate the meme, but if ever a person went through a partial-life crisis, i am doing that very thing. well. honestly,
i'm just fucking depressed as fuck. which i think is the underlying emotion to most period crises. i
have graduated college,
am not using my degree,
live near no good friends,
have no money,
owe everyone money,
am single,
live at home, which means i spend whatever time i dont spend alone with people whose day to day concerns and schedules for that matter have almost nothing in common with mine,
have no health insurance but work 12 hour days at least 3 times a week,
and have no great plan to escape any of this.
it sucks so much.

i talked to my favorite friend on the telephone awhile ago.
i loved it. but i hang up and then i'm sadder than ever because there's always more to say and now no one is there to say it to.

i watch movies online instead of reading like i wish i did and know i should because i'm tired of thinking my own thoughts all the time. you're less productive when you're alone this much because you just end up thinking about how much you wish you werent alone.
i hope someone knows what i'm talking about.