Monday, March 2, 2009

march 2, 2009
jimmy fallon's first show!
started it with conan, very noble gesture on coneys part.
decent monologue, at least so far. some new york jokes, some economy jokes, joking with the audience between bits... well done.
its time to slow jam the news? with the roots? i dont know how i feel about this.

oh. okay.
pretty fuckin rad.

this blonde mothers joint is pretty well written. not loving the narration, a little light in his loafers for my taste. actual audience mothers fell shy of the target i think.

lick it for ten!! i feel a little bit like Ed has been briefly resurrected. remember that awesome show, when ed and mike played $10. only this isnt as exciting and they're doing it 3 times. but it does also ring of the price as right AND its a very thoughtful boost to our pitiful economy. so. snaps to jimmy. i'd lick it for ten wouldnt you guys?

robert de niro. solid first guest. funny interview. i think jimmo's asking things we want to know. but hey its early in the game. learned something new! tribeca=triangle below canal. edutainment, at its crispest and most refreshing. impression swaps! i like this idea.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

quarter life

did you watch that very short lived webcast style NBC show? i never did. i wish now that i had because i feel i am in its throes, and i'd like to know how real people or even writers handle this sort of thing. i hate the meme, but if ever a person went through a partial-life crisis, i am doing that very thing. well. honestly,
i'm just fucking depressed as fuck. which i think is the underlying emotion to most period crises. i
have graduated college,
am not using my degree,
live near no good friends,
have no money,
owe everyone money,
am single,
live at home, which means i spend whatever time i dont spend alone with people whose day to day concerns and schedules for that matter have almost nothing in common with mine,
have no health insurance but work 12 hour days at least 3 times a week,
and have no great plan to escape any of this.
it sucks so much.

i talked to my favorite friend on the telephone awhile ago.
i loved it. but i hang up and then i'm sadder than ever because there's always more to say and now no one is there to say it to.

i watch movies online instead of reading like i wish i did and know i should because i'm tired of thinking my own thoughts all the time. you're less productive when you're alone this much because you just end up thinking about how much you wish you werent alone.
i hope someone knows what i'm talking about.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

last year and this year. fast year and wish year. grassed year and don't-miss year?

2008 was a big, weird one. a lonely and lovely mess. so much happened. i think i made more friends, however fleetingly, than in any year prior. my family endured a great loss. i learned so much about them. i learned more about the world, broadly and about humans, intimately. i graduated. at least once every day i felt hopeful, driven, loved and at peace, and at least once every day i felt lost, insignificant and profoundly unhappy. i broke rules, laws, promises and maybe even one heart. i was hired three times. i was fired once. i wasted a lot of my time and a little of other peoples'.
i don't put much stock in resolutions made this time of year but i quite understand ruminating, regretting and repairing. i aspire to make healthier choices than many i've made in the last year. i can look at myself now and one year ago and say confidently that i have grown in good ways and that i could have done better. i could have made her prouder.

i will try to keep a list of the books i read and movies i watch this year.
i will make an effort to spend less time talking about people and more time learning from them.
i will set small goals and attempt to acknowledge my own successes and failures equally.
i hope to make great new friends, discover fantastic art, travel to new places, grow in goodness, save some money, figure out a way to live on my own, and learn everything there is to know about the world and how i'm supposed to make it better.

guess i'd better get busy